de Voogd

de Voogd

Senior Business Intelligence Consultant

Over 15 years of experience in functional and technical design, data modelling, ETL & database development, DWH design, BI architecture and project management. Customers include: Canon Europe, Rabobank, Postbank, ING Bank, Royal Bank of Scotland, ABN AMRO, KPN Telecom, SNT Telecom, Dutch Ministery of Justice, Dutch Railroad (NS), Nationale Nederlanden, National Car Rental and several midsized and smaller companies in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, UK, US, Dutch Antilles and Aruba.. Specialties: SQL Server 2000/2005/2008/2008R2/2012 database modeling and development, business Intelligence, Data warehousing, Kimball, ETL, SSRS, SSIS, SSAS, DTS, Business Objects XI, Oracle, Prince-2, ITIL and T-Map. Sound business knowledge of Anti Money Laundering, Customer Due Diligence, Transaction Surveillance, KYC, Financial, Marketing and HR processes. Strong focus on bridging gaps between business and IT people. Experienced in international, multicultural and multilingual environments. As a fine arts manager I connect well established Chinese Contemporary Artists to galleries and art collectors in Western Europe.



Information Analyst Risk Data/BI Consultant

12-2014 tot heden


Owner, Senior Business Intelligence Consultant

1-2003 tot heden
M2D provides services in the areas of Business Intelligence, data warehousing and database management. Multiple roles as BI/DWH consultant, technical teamlead, project manager, database designer/developer and testing coordinator.



5-2013 tot heden
International KYC is a leading Anti-Money Laundering advisory and training firm with experienced business people who know that your company needs to fully adhere to the anti-money laundering rules and make money.


Member, Business Intelligence Consultant

3-2009 tot heden

China Art Trade

Owner, Contemporary Art Dealer / Independent Curator

11-2004 tot heden
China Art Trade provides access for famous Chinese contemporary artists to the European market. Co-operating with outstanding galleries in the Netherlands, Belgium, UK and Germany. Artists represented include Huang Yan, He WenJue, Pang Yong Jie, Liu Fenghua and Liu Ren. Curating several exhibitions for US and European artists in museums and art fairs in China.



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